The power of northern Montenegro

Once again, we organized a press trip to which, on behalf of our client, the National Tourist Organization of Montenegro, we invited a group of journalists associated with key news portals and editorial offices in the tourism sector.

Participants had the opportunity to discover the charms of the northern part of one of the most picturesque countries in the Balkans, and thanks to Montenegro’s sustainable tourism development strategy, they could fully immerse themselves in the richness of nature and culture of the region.

During their stay, the journalists visited, among others: Podgorica, the old capital Cetinje, the towns of Pljevlja and Grahovo, the Lipa Cave and the charming town of Stary Bar. Moreover, they experienced the authentic hospitality of farm owners who showed them the beauty of national parks, mountains and forests, and provided them with tasty local dishes.

In line with the country’s tourism motto, the press trip resulted in a number of articles that will inspire Polish tourists to create their own Montenegrin stories.

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